a fellowship worth finding

"First Baptist Church of Manvel exists to introduce people
to Jesus Christ and to help them grow in their faith." 

This is more than just a catchy mission statement.
We hope that it gives you insight into who we are.

As we begin 2025, our congregation has united for
66  years around one message.
A message of Grace and Redemption called the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We firmly believe that Jesus is the answer to the
challenges of our times. 

We are a body of  individuals who believe in one true God; the Father, the Son
Jesus Christ,  and the Holy Spirit. 
We believe in the Virgin birth, the communion of saints,
​the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.

We support and encourage each other in faith & truth
and we strive to make this church home one where people can
leave the world behind and focus on their spiritual relationship with God.

Jesus reached out to people of all ages and backgrounds
and our church family desires to do the same.
We have a place for everyone to study the Scriptures, fellowship together
and minister to others in love and through service opportunities.

​​Join us as we worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
to a fellowship worth finding
______________________________________________________________________________Dr. Stephen Porter has faithfully served us as Pastor since 2008.  
He brings a genuine love for God and delivers Bible based teachings that are
thought provoking, informative and follow after our Lord's Truth.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts (HBU), a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary


               Our Worship Messages are recorded and they are available
             for viewing as  follows :

               - Website Messages Page you can view the latest message
               - Facebook at;

               - Online at; 
                  (a link to Vimeo is available in this website. ..look for the big V)

                                      We encourage you to take a look. 

Our Youth Group is led by Matt Miller. We refer to the group as
BLAST, which stands for
Building Lives Around Sound Truths. 
(6th through 12th grades)
Our Children's Department is led by Ashley Miller.  This kiddos' group is called JAM, which stands for
Jesus And Me.
(5th grade and under)

We offer age appropriate Bible study classes each Sunday morning
(no nursery) 

 Wednesday evening classes are offered for 3rd through 12th grades only
(no Nursery)

Matt and Ashley are a married couple working together to introduce these younger ones, FBCM's Future, to Christ.
Youth and Children Groups
    2025 brings us into our 66th year as a Body of Believers.   During these years we have  looked to our history – the history of God’s people of this congregation – remembering who we are and where we have been. Our history has always led us, under God's direction, even though our glory as His people is yet to come.  At the same time we look to the future acknowledging what we have been put here to do. 

      We continue to honor those who came before us and laid the foundation for this local church home. Our journey began in 1959, as Friendship Baptist Mission. The first service was held during the last Sunday in November of that year with 13 souls in attendance. Earnest C. Johnson was the Pastor.  As the Mission grew the church council voted to proceed as a Southern Baptist Church. In 1960 we became known as Friendship Baptist Church. To reflect the name of the community we serve, in 1967, we changed our name from Friendship Baptist to First Baptist Church of Manvel. We have been led by 10 Pastors and 3 interim Pastors over the years. Our current Pastor is Dr Stephen Porter who was called to lead us in 2008. 

      We believe The Church is the first fruits of the Kingdom of God and represents His presence in the world in our day. This church body's purpose is not only to remember God’s faithfulness, kindness, mercy and providence through our history up to now, but also to move us and others in this world toward the goal God has given each of us, The Great Commission.
    Our congregation may be small but we are serious in our journey of the Great Commission. We have been blessed to host other congregations on the campus of First Baptist. Currently 5 separate Church Homes meet here. They are:

                   First Baptist of Manvel – led by Dr. Steve Porter
                                (our resident Churches)
                              Masters Road – led by Jason Lee
                              Call to Care Community – led by Luis Martinez
                              Manvel Chinese – led by Yunghwi Tuan
                              Faith Tabernacle Church - led by Dr. Ed Fleming
A Bit of History About Us